Organic Chocolate Powder Drink Philippines

Everyone loves a good chocolate drink! Besides being a childhood favorite, a sip offers a surge of rich flavors and sweet aromas, making it a perfect drink to start the day! It is the type of beverage that people from all age groups would love. But did you know that consuming an organic chocolate drink can offer plenty of health benefits? For those who are looking to boost the health of their families, there are plenty of reasons to go for an organic chocolate powder drink in the Philippines from Bona Vita.

There is no doubt that parents would only want the best for their children. They turn to all kinds of healthy alternatives to support their growth. Bona Vita Philippines’ Choco 8 in 1 is 100% all-natural, making this one of the healthiest organic chocolate powder drink in the Philippines. It is packed with ingredients that are rich in amino acids, vitamin C, vitamin B, iron, calcium, niacin, potassium, fiber, and many more to help your loved ones’ overall health in check. Continue reading on to learn more about this!

Healthy Chocolate Drink In The Philippines

Healthy Chocolate Drink In The Philippines

The Bona Vita Choco 8 in 1 is far from the typical chocolate drinks. As an organic chocolate powder drink in the Philippines, it has been specially formulated to make sure your body reaps numerous health benefits from the ingredients and essential nutrients.

Drinking one cup or 15g daily of this organic chocolate powder drink in the Philippines can help increase energy levels, boost brain development, strengthen the immune system, and help with getting quality sleep. Here, we delve into the health properties of the best organic chocolate powder drink in the Philippines — Bona Vita Choco 8 in 1.

Enhances Intelligence Efficiency

This organic chocolate powder drink in the Philippines contains a powerful ingredient known as Bacopa Monnieri or Brahmi. This herb is commonly used in traditional Indian medicine for a variety of purposes, including enhancing intelligence efficiency and easing mental strains. In the past, it was also popularly given to infants to encourage optimal brain development.

As a key ingredient in the Bona Vita Choco 8 in 1, bacopa monnieri significantly improves memory retention and the speed of processing information. This is an incredibly beneficial factor for those who want to increase their loved one’s mental clarity. It stimulates neutral activities by inducing a sense of calm and peace. For kids that go to school and tackle cognitive tasks every day, the Bona Vita Choco 8 in 1 can help with learning and concentration as well.

Boosts Immune System

As mentioned before, the Bona Vita Choco 8 in 1 is an organic chocolate powder drink in the Philippines packed with essential nutrients. Among those, the mindful use of ingredients like mangosteen and guyabano plays a vital role in boosting the immune system.

Coupled with Vitamin C-rich fruits, this organic chocolate powder drink in the Philippines can easily boost your whole family’s immune system. For kids that are particularly susceptible to diseases, boosting the immune system is a must!

Has Anti-Inflammatory Properties

If your organic chocolate powder drink in the Philippines does not contain malunggay, you are missing out on the medicinal properties of moringa oleifera. It is a plant that contains vitamin B1 (thiamine), riboflavin, niacin, vitamin C, calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, zinc, and more.

Buy Organic Chocolate Drink In The Philippines

Buy Organic Chocolate Drink In The Philippines

Wondering how to reap the health benefits of an organic chocolate powder drink in the Philippines? Choose Bona Vita’s Choco 8-in-1! These are FDA approved, can be served hot or cold, and sweetened with a 100% natural zero-calorie sweetener—Stevia. Read on to learn about what sets our organic chocolate powder drink in the Philippines apart!

High-Quality Ingredients

Every product by Bona Vita is crafted with only the highest quality ingredients and meticulous manufacturing processes to ensure you get the most out of your organic chocolate powder drink in the Philippines.

Affordable Price 

As the best organic health products distributor in the Philippines, our mission is to provide a good and healthy life for valued customers through our products. We believe healthy living doesn’t have to break the bank! This is why you’ll find that our organic chocolate powder drink in the Philippines comes at an affordable price.

Invest In Your Health With An Organic Powder Drink In The Philippines From Bona Vita!

At Bona Vita, we offer a wide range of organic health products to suit your needs and not just with our organic chocolate powder drink in the Philippines! Invest in your health and choose from the Bona Vita 8-in-1 Coffee, Bona Vita 8-in-1 Choco, and BonaSlim 15-in-1 Coffee!

Interested to learn more? Click here to check our brand new online shop! You may also contact us by clicking here.